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Federal Court Rules for U.S. Chamber on H-1B Visa Rule


Federal Court Rules for U.S. Chamber on H-1B Visa Rule

Guest User

Late last week, a federal court in California vacated the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s H-1B lottery rule.

Regarding its significance to the business community, this matters because If left in place, the rule would have excluded highly skilled workers from the U.S., exacerbating the worker shortage crisis.

This follows efforts made last year when the U.S. Chamber of Commerce led a coalition in challenging the rule in federal court.

Former U.S. Chamber CEO Tom Donohue also penned an op-ed in the New York Times, explaining why this was bad for business.

“This is a major victory for American businesses and our economy. If implemented, the H-1B lottery rule would have denied many companies access to the talent they need to expand their operations and create American jobs,” said Chamber Vice President of Immigration Policy Jon Baselice. “Given the significant difficulties that employers face in meeting their workforce needs today, many businesses are breathing a sigh of relief in response to this ruling.”